Sam is an experienced expert who has worked on a large range of cases throughout her career including (click on arrow to review the lists):

Sam takes instructions in cases involving a variety of terrorism offences including bomb hoaxes, possession of articles, mindset material, memberships of prohibited organisations and examining for evidence in cases involving alleged planning of acts of terrorism. Previous examples of cases include:
Sam is experienced in working on a large number of cases involving the making, possession and distribution of indecent images of children, extreme imagery and prohibited images. She is familiar with caselaw in this area and regularly provides indications of categorisation of imagery to check charges are appropriate to assist the Court. She specialises in cases which require detailed analysis of the circumstances of creation of alleged illegal material including where attribution is in dispute and cases where the use is technical and/or involves a technical defence (including hacking and viruses).
She is able to fully assess all types of phone handsets (including iPhones and Android devices) and tablet devices as well as computers (including Windows, Unix, Linux and Macs).
Sam also takes instructions in rape cases including cases involving minors and is aware of the sensitivities of these types of matters including in the requirements for the examination of complainant's devices. Sam also prepared an article in May 2019 featuring in the Independent discussing use of data on rape complainant's phones (opens in a new window from an external site).
Example sexual offence cases include:
Sam has also worked as a defence consultant on large fraud cases involving SFO prosecutions which have later been dropped resulting in substantial compensation.
Sam is currently undertaking a substantial number of Encro Phone cases (EncroChat) as part of Operation Venetic. This has involved the assessment of various digital evidence including assessing the Encro Phone data and Cell Site Analysis. These cases mainly involve the alleged importation of drugs at over the 1kg level. Sam has conducted over 2,000 hours of research, development and casework involving the data in these cases since August 2020. Sam was instructed in the trial for the lead defendant and main EncroChat case involved in R v A,B,D & C (Sub-Zero).
Sam has performed testing in legal cases to determine the functionality of software. This is often performed by Sam in cases to determine the functionality of a system and data stored on devices. However, she has also provided assistance in cases where the charges related solely (or majorly) in relation to computer systems and resulting data. She has investigated such data, including if errors are presented to determine the full reason why certain data has been created by a computer and its meaning and limitations. Such case examples include:
(Click on Image Links)
Computer Forensics
Examinations of computers including servers and hacking instances.
Telecoms Forensics
Mobile Evidence evaluations, connection evaluation, attribution evidence assessments and cell site analysis.
Location Forensics
Determining location information from GPS, trackers, telematics and digital devices (including phone handsets).
Cell Site Analysis
Determining the general locations of a telephone at the time of its past connections.
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